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Registered name: Hungarikum Becskerek

DOB: December 10, 2019

First generation Canadian born to imported parents 

(Bácskai Betyár Labanc X Borza-Parti "Őrség" Zenta).

Health Clearances: OFA Hips - Good



Titles and Accomplishments: At the 2023 Kuvasz Club of Canada Specialty Show, under well-recognized Serbian/FCI judge Péter Firic, with 17 Kuvaszok entered, Possum was Best Canadian Bred Male. I did not have any expectations for Possum, I just wanted to illustrate that even a dog raised as a working LGD can flourish in a show environment given it has a stable temperament. 


Notice the exceptionally large canines, no doubt needed for LGD work. He too like his father Labanc has a mane. 

possum working.jpg

Possum is an exceptionally large male, probably about 25-30% bigger than an average Kuvasz. He is a very athletic and lean and muscular dog. He also has exceptional dentition. He guarded over 200 sheep and 30 cattle with his pack mates and proved himself as a worthy LGD. He has exceptional instincts and a very well-developed sense of situational awareness. Yet, is incredibly gentle, patient and trustworthy with children. 


Notice how wide his chest is, unlike many of the narrow-chested North American Kuvaszok we see nowadays. Also much like his father Labanc, Possum is a big admirer, playmate and protector of children and one of my son's favourites. 

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